Sneak peek: Little Beach House Brighton – Soho House by the seaside

Located on Madeira Drive with views out to sea, Little Beach House Brighton, opening later this month, will be Soho House’s third UK House…

Soho House Brighton

Almost exactly one year ago we ran through the Soho House pipeline that included openings across continents from Rome to Texas. But this one, a little closer to home, somehow managed to slip under the Hotel Designs radar. Taking up a seaside residence in Brighton, the Little Beach House will embrace the sea views of its location with a design to reflect the vibrant Art Deco architecture of the neighbourhood.

glass fronted seating area in Soho House Brighton with sea views

Image credit: Soho House

“So many of our existing members live in Brighton, so it seemed like a natural step to open a local House in the city,” said Nick Jones, Founder and CEO of Soho House.“It is a brilliant place, full of progressive spirit that our members love.”

The glass-fronted House will feature a terrace with a pool and will be connected to the Soho Works building which will be launched later in the year. Little Beach House Brighton will include an events space on the ground floor, a Club space with a bar and House kitchen, a members only restaurant, and the Soho Works Loft which is an apartment style space with meeting and lounge areas.

With the brands ‘home away from home’ ethos having launched in London in 1995, Little Beach House Brighton will be the third UK based House outside of London, and the first coastal property. We can’t wait to see how the creative spirit of Brighton influences the shape of things to come in this seaside House.

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Main image credit: Soho House