This spring Arte is expanding its wallcovering collection Décors & Panoramiques with a collection of designs that will immerse the viewer in a series of enticing stories and intriguing fairy-tales…

The new designs in the Arte Décors & Panoramiques collection will transport you both geographically and imaginatively. With wallcoverings referencing locations from Tibet to Italy to the fiery lines of a Brazilian dance you can travel the world in seven designs. Alternatively, you can go on a journey of the imagination as mysterious fairy-like figures invite you into the panorama. The strength of these designs is not only in the surface patterns, but also in the materials that have been used, which include velvety soft silks, textured boucle fabrics and sophisticated linen effects.

Image credit: Arte
The hand-painted scenes of the ‘Panoramiques’ portfolio are all works-of-art made up of several panels that together form one panoramic whole. The designs in the ‘Décors’ part of the collection are lavish images that make a statement on the wall. All of these eye-catching designs are available by the linear metre, making it easy to apply and use in any room.

Image credit: Arte
Secret Silhouettes sets a dreamy scene, printed on a soft chenille. The effect is more like a painting than a wallcovering and the landscape appeals to the imagination. Mysterious feminine silhouettes turn around to look at the viewer while at the same time invite the viewer into the landscape.
Valle de Vińales is a colonially inspired landscape, based on an etching. The two-tone pattern uses thick jute and a fil-fil technique in which the fibres used are clearly visible. The vertical lines create a lifting effect on the wall. In a more colourful offering, Toile de Tibet features a colourful agricultural scene from the hillsides of Tibet, in which strength and craftsmanship combine to create purity and authenticity. This hand-painted decor is printed on horizontally woven paper look strips, creating a weathered effect.
Based on a colourful, tropical drawing with a vertical fil-a-fil technique, Flor Imaginaria is inspired by the Chinese lantern plant (Physalis). The pattern and use of colour are influenced by the technique and design of African wax fabrics and prints.
Mont Royal is a décor panel that conjures up an abstract forest on the wall. The tree trunks form straight vertical lines that contrast beautifully with the rounded shapes of the crowns. This tactile fairytale scene with a playful touch is made of soft velour.
Meanwhile, Terra Tropicana is an exuberant wallcovering which will immerse you in the rhythm of a fiery Brazilian dance.
Demonstrating versatility, movement and a bond with nature, the soft sheen enhances the rhythmic feeling. The tropical decor has a visible paper structure which gives it a vintage touch.
Continuing the journey, Città di Castello is a light-hearted composition of a view of the Italian city of Città di Castello.The striking interplay of lines and colour palette create a three-dimensional effect. This design is finished in a soft textile fabric with a chenille look.
The Décors & Panoramiques collection created by the Arte in-house designers continues the bold statement design tradition that has become the brand trademark. While championing innovative design, the company is also ensuring that it is on track with environmental concerns and is a certified CO2-neutral company.
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Main image credit: Arte