Following its pitch at Hotel Designs LIVE to encourage designers, architects and hoteliers to look beyond hygiene when specifying surfaces, Mosaico+ shares how its products can help the A&D community add personality back into public areas…

“Mosaic is, foremost, broken matter, reduced to small elements but creating seamless surfaces by incorporating the joint, to bind the components rather than divide.” The grout can play a powerful part to illuminate the pattern or to tone and extend in a seamless way depending on the effect you are looking to create. This is a powerful element that Mosaico+ aims to develop.
Having undergone a significant re-branding exercise over the last three years, the brand has moved from that of a traditional mosaic company to one creating quite unique surfaces whilst maintaining the concept of mosaic. We are developing our offer to sit more strongly in A&D.
- Image credit: Mosaico+
- Image credit: Mosaico+
What does Mosiaco+ do?
Mosaico+ offers a bespoke design service being able to master any image, decoration, signage or special branding to customise any area. The brand also handcrafts its products, employing artisanal techniques and cutting individual pieces to construct any given design. And then, its recent stand-alone additions are where the brand diversifies, having collaborated with key design partners to inspire individual themes and giving the portfolio greater depth. Mosaico+ is introducing different materials, collections of new designs, not necessarily perceived as mosaic, but that tell their own story and can be used in a variety of situations and combinations – hence Mosacio ‘Plus’!
The brand covers the regular areas where mosaic has always been used but are also able to crossover creating limitless opportunities to be included in different situations as original features, pieces of art and tailored versions to highlight any given aspect and interpreting many design ideas.
Surfaces are a key theme for interior and architectural environments, and the team at Mosaico+ know interior designers focus on atmosphere/feeling/usage and forming relationships between them all.

Image credit: Mosaico+
So either from within the team’s offer or utilising their design capabilities, the brand can achieve any style, modern, minimal, industrial; create any mood, soft, subtle and sophisticated, quirky, romantic, and enhance or accentuate any overall feeling you may be looking to affect.
It’s an exciting time to see the innovation and new way forward in progress. Mosaico+ is no longer solely a mosaic company, we are continuing to evolve our product offer to incorporate small, individual component parts as you would expect, but in different ways, new concepts that can be chosen to work within many environments, contrasting or complimenting, and able to create something that bonds with other factors within a scheme, building that design relationship.
Mosaico+ was a Product Watch Pitch partner at Hotel Designs LIVE, which took place on May 11, 2021. The next Hotel Designs LIVE will take place on August 10, 2021
Main image credit: Mosaico+