Project Spotlight: Wandsworth Electrical features on US TV

    Wandsworth Electrical
    850 454 Daniel Fountain
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    The world-renowned How It’s Made TV documentary made by the Discovery Channel aired a segment on how electrical switches are made.

    Shown on US TV on 18 July, the aim of the documentary is to show how common, everyday items are manufactured.

    Wandsworth Electrical was selected as the location to highlight the processes and tools required to make light switches and plug sockets.

    The 3-minute video takes the viewer through the process from cutting the raw material into plates, making the internal components and fixing the plates to the grids. It even highlights Wandsworth Electricals capability to make bespoke plate configurations, focusing on some designs for hotels.

    As a company that has been manufacturing for over 100 years we are proud of the processes we use, the technicians who manufacture by hand our high quality collections and the fact we have kept our production in Great Britain whilst many of our competitors have moved operations to the far-east.

    Ritchie House
    Albert Drive
    GU21 5JY

    Tel: 01483 713400



    Daniel Fountain / 27.07.2016

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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