Lester Bennett takes the baton from Harriet Forde to become the President of the BIID…
The British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) has welcomed the new BIID President for the 2020-2021 term, Lester Bennett, who officially took on the role at the BIID Annual General Meeting (AGM) on July 2, which was held via online video conference.

Bennett has 40 years’ experience gained from running his own practice, being a design director for a plc residential developer, a founding partner of Folio Design LLP and now an independent consultant. Although his main sphere of expertise is residential interior architecture and design, Lester has experience in commercial and retail design, industrial, exhibition and product design.
Prior to setting up Folio Design LLP, Lester was Design Director at Westcity Wates/Westcity Developers, delivering prestigious and iconic London residential schemes such as West End Quay, The Phillimores (now Academy Gardens), Pavilion Apartments and Phillimore Square (now Thornwood Gardens). His concept work and his understanding of high end, and often cutting-edge, residential design earned these schemes national and international awards.
In addition to his work in the contemporary field, Lester has studied, and lectured on, the history of the English House and is well versed in period interiors, informing his work on many historic and listed buildings. Lester also has a thorough understanding of cabinet making and site construction techniques, materials and processes, and is a passionate advocate for the art of hand drawing.
“I feel very honoured to be the new president of the BIID,” commented Bennett. “There have been so many amazing people who have fulfilled this role in the past, not least Harriet from whom I am taking over, that I am only too aware that these are big boots to fill.
“This will certainly be a challenging year, but I am extremely lucky in that I have the support of a most excellent Council and admin staff who work tirelessly for the benefit of the Institute and its members.
“I look forward to continuing the work on the initiatives we already have in place, to help our members through this difficult time, and to help develop further ideas to benefit and expand our membership.”
Established in 1965, the BIID is the UK’s only professional institute for interior designers. The Institute sets national professional standards, promotes learning and debate, and champions the value of interior design on the national and international stage.
Main image credit: BIID/KSR Architects