Interior Design & Architecture Summit: Speakership line up finalised

    Speakers for IDAS and projects they have worked on
    730 565 Hamish Kilburn
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    Interior Design & Architecture Summit: Speakership line up finalised

    Hotel Designs’ first meet-the-buyer event since the pandemic started, Interior Design & Architecture Summit (IDAS) takes place on June 30 at Hilton London Canary Wharf – designers and architects wishing to attend, free of charge, need to email Alex King (limited spaces available). As well as a day of meaningful face-to-face meetings, we have just confirmed the speaker line-up…

    Speakers for IDAS and projects they have worked on

    There is still time for designers and architects to sign up to attend the Interior Design & Architecture Summit (IDAS) on June 30 at Hilton Canary Wharf, London. The one-day event, which launched in 2019, is designed to dynamically bridge the gap between senior designers, architects and key-industry suppliers.

    The Summit includes pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, a networking lunch. In addition, Hotel Designs has curated a captivating seminar programme that will run throughout the day, inviting leading industry figures to discuss a range of relevant and thought-provoking topics.

    Here’s what to look forward to:

    08:45 – 09:20
    Live interview with Albin Bergland, Co-founder of Bergman Interiors and Interior Designer of the Year

    Editor Hamish Kilburn will interview Albin Berglund at IDAS.

    Editor Hamish Kilburn will interview Albin Berglund at IDAS.

    Editor of Hotel Designs Hamish Kilburn exclusively interviews Albin Berglund, co-founder of Bergman Interiors, who was crowned Interior Designer of the Year at The Brit List Awards 2020. In this live interview, Kilburn will explore what projects the studio is currently working on as well as exploring what sets this award-winning designer apart on the international hotel design scene. From the new era of wellness to sustainability’s roles in hospitality, the live interview will cover how Berglund expects design and architecture to evolve post-pandemic.

    09:30 – 10:00
    The Dark Art of Lighting by Paul Nulty

    Paul Nulty set up Nulty in 2011 and is Founder of practice. He is an award-winning architectural lighting designer and has been involved with a wide variety of prestigious projects in a career spanning 21 years. Combining creativity with an eye for detail, his theatrical lighting background provides a unique understanding of the relationship between space and light. Nulty will inspire designers and architects, leaving them in-the-know about the latest lighting research and trends, with a session on the dark art of lighting.

    Paul Nulty, Founder, Nulty Lighting

    Paul Nulty, Founder, Nulty

    14:00 – 14:35
    Trials and tribulations of working within the interior design sector by Katie McCarthy

    Katie McCarthy, Founder and Design Director, Design Equals

    Katie McCarthy, Founder and Design Director, Design Equals

    Katie McCarthy, Founder and Design Director of Design Equals will present a seminar on trials and tribulations of working within the interior design sector. “The realities we are faced with behind the scenes,” said McCarthy ahead of the event. “Challenges we face and how we can overcome them, top tips, troubleshooting techniques, surrounding yourself around fellow creatives building the perfect creative army.”

    How to attend IDAS – limited spaces available

    If you are interested in exhibiting at the 2021 event, please contact Jennie Lane on 01992 374098, or email



    If you are a senior designer and/or architect and would like to attend the 2020 event, email Alex King.

    Hamish Kilburn / 24.05.2021


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