Bed bugs, begone: one company’s aim to eliminate the nasty bites for good

    Modern room
    800 533 Hamish Kilburn
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    Valpas brings understated contemporary luxury to hotel guests – a peace of mind from bed bugs – with innovative design…

    Finnish startup Valpas has developed an autonomous bed bug prevention system that lets people travel carefree from bed bug anxiety at exciting hotels. The Valpas system is designed to respond to bed bugs’ natural behavior, and integrated with latest IoT (Internet of Things) technology. The innovative and patented design brings unprecedented comfort to hotels that want to connect more strongly with today’s wary guests.

     The design blends in naturally into any hotel room while preventing bed bug incidents

    Valpas’ aims to solve a real global problem: the increasing amount of blood-sucking bed bugs that are rapidly increasing around the world and causing anxiety and health issues. All hotels are involuntarily exposed to bed bugs because it is impossible to detect an introduction early enough, before they turn into an infestation, harm guests, and hitchhike their way to the next guests’ belongings. The five founders of the company had an urge to create a solution that serves humans on both sides of this messy problem – hotels and travelers. By integrating bug prevention features into a sleek bed leg, the design blends in naturally into any hotel room while preventing bed bug incidents. By capturing bed bugs before they do harm, guests travel with a peace of mind connecting with the hotel on a more emotional level than usually.

    “Our goal was to create a product that fits seamlessly in the hotel’s day-to-day operations, yet simultaneously evokes trust between the hotel and guests with its cool and recognisable design. Valpas is a result of out-of-the-box design thinking paired up with deep industry know-how and latest technology”, comments Valpas’ designer, Vertti Sarimaa.

    Thanks to its universal attachment mechanism, any hotel around the world can get the Valpas system. By replacing their existing bed legs with Valpas’ smart bed legs, hotels can instantly turn their operations immune to bed bugs by monitoring the rooms in realtime and receiving notifications of eliminated bed bug incidents caught inside the legs.

    Hamish Kilburn / 24.08.2018


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