HotelDesigns is running another training day for those interested in learning about our web services, using the internet for marketing, Google ad words and social networking such as Twitter.Date: Wednesday 28th April 2010
Place: The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 2ER
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Cost: £60 (ex VAT) for non-members of the Directory, £30 for Directory members. The cost includes tea, coffee and a buffet lunch
9.30am: Coffee and introductions
1.The Medium is the Message
2.About HotelDesigns and understanding the web. Brief history and introduction to the web and web metrics
3.E-marketing – why and how it has become the most important resource in the marketers tool-kit
4.Building customer relationships and the role of the company website – including:
a.Why password protect?
b.Concepts of retail and wholesale
5.Focus and specialisation and how the web serves them
6.The web as communities
a.Scale and Global versus local thinking.
12.30pm: LUNCH (sandwiches and light snacks)
1.The importance of the voice and repetition
2.Google ad words and generalised web advertising pop-ups, towers and pop unders
3.What is Social Networking?
5.Facebook and Twitter – advantages and disadvantages
6.RSS and Google news feeds
4.30pm: Questions and finish
To book a click here to contact Carmen