Hilton Heathrow turns waste into water

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    Hilton Heathrow is saving money and helping the environment by turning waste into water. Waste collection and disposal costs are increasing at an alarming 20 percent per year and the Government’s landfill escalator is set to penalise waste generators even further in the coming years.As part of plans to achieve a ZERO waste to landfill objective, Hilton Heathrow has introduced an innovative solution for dealing with food waste by installing a Waste2Water digester.

    When food is added to the chamber it turns the waste into grey water, which can be recycled rather than go to landfill. Micro-organisms digest the food and break down fats and oils before churning water out.

    The introduction of the Waste2Water system has been led by facilities manager, Mark Hill, and senior purchasing manager, Andrew Earley, from the global purchasing team. Mark Hill said, “We are committed to both reducing unnecessary costs and reducing our carbon footprint. We are very excited that with the new Waste2Water system we are able to take the steps towards sending zero waste to landfill.”

    The new system is expected to save in excess of £30,000 per annum in waste management costs. In addition to Hilton Heathrow’s Waste2Water initiative, the hotel also plans to change Halogen lighting to LED and install sensors in staff changing rooms and offices ensuring lights are turned off when areas are not in use.

    In total Hilton Heathrow is expected to save 21 percent in consumption of heat, light and power in 2011 against 2010.

    Daniel Fountain / 27.12.2011

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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