Giving Rays of Sunshine

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity grants wishes for seriously ill children in the UK aged 3-18. The charity granted its first wish in 2003 and is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.The British Contract Furnishing Association is supporting Rays of Sunshine this year, by helping to make wishes come true. Members have pulled together to create a dream bedroom for a 13 year old from Ramsgate in Kent. Planning for the project has taken around 3 months and culminated with installation at the end of July

    Philip is living with Spinomuscular Atrophy – a muscle wasting disease that affects every part of his body. He requires help with everything including feeding and dressing. He is reliant upon an electric wheelchair and a ventilator at night. He is confined to being indoors. He has only recently had his own bedroom and his wish was to have it decorated and to stay in a hotel during the renovations. His mum hopes that the new bedroom will give Philip some much sought after independence and the stay in the hotel will enable them to have time relaxing together as a family.

    The BCFA has inspired their members to go over and above all expectations to create a wonderful new room for Philip. The family left home at 9am on Monday 29th July for a two night stay in London. When they returned on the afternoon of Wednesday 31st July. Philip’s new bedroom was revealed.

    Philip is a big fan of Lego and Star Wars. His dream bedroom included:
    •A motorised desk
    •Electric blind
    •These will be programmed so they can be operated from his iPad
    •Artwork on his wall incorporating Lego and Star Wars ¬ Philip’s two favourite things
    •New Carpet
    •Wall paper
    •Soft Furnishings

    “I have seen the Rays of Sun Shine charity grow over the past 10 years, and have admired all the good work they do, granting wishes to children who face enormous health issues, and changing their lives by simply making them smile with the granting of a wish. It is a magical gift.

    The essence of the BCFA, for me personally, has always been the strength of our membership and the people within it. This project has demonstrated how wonderfully kind and generous people and their companies have been supporting this initiative and I am hugely thankful, because without all of this support my task would have been impossible.

    We have worked as an extended community, as competitors and colleagues, clients and supporters, as well as reaching out to new partners, and it has been extremely humbling for us all to be given the chance to make a difference, and to give Philip the bedroom he has always wished for.” said Carolyn Mitchell, Walker Greenbank and BCFA Director.

    Colin Watson BCFA Managing Director thanked all those who helped

    “ including those who offered products and services that we were not able to use this time. Carolyn Mitchell and the Team at Walker Greenbank Contracts for textiles, paint and weeks of time (Zoffany, FR One, Harlequin, Sanderson); Charles Leon and Joumana at CLA, a brilliant design; Portview the amazing contractors Ronan and Glen, who also do gardening and dysoning the carpets; Dixon Turner and their star Alex, paper hanger, plumber and specialist at lots of things; The Fine Bedding Co for the duvet, pillows and mattress protector; Chelsom Lighting; Ulster Carpets; OW Hospitality for the carpet fitter Bill Fox at Caps; Silent Gliss local heroes and magic curtain tracks; Colin Bowden of Bowden Tollitt for the survey, curtain and cushion making and support; Moon for the union jack throw; Kinnarps for the electric desk, I want one please; Jameson for the sofa or aka kids trampoline; Standfast and Edmund Bell for textiles; Cliq Design for the quilting; Gary Timpson, sparky; Lego for the Lego; ClicTime for the Lego clock; Phillip Dawson at Rufflette for the TV; David Cumplen at Revival Corporate Cleaning for donating; Hilton Hotels for looking after the family for two days; Domino Pizza for the food, I didn’t get any; Elegant Clutter for the Star Wars artwork, I don’t believe you did that Harry, fab; local company Centrobed, who on seeing it on the TV news provided a new bed.

    And of course Rays of Sunshine Team, Laura, Melissa, Sophie”

    Daniel Fountain / 11.09.2013

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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