Hotel Designs’ November editorial features have landed, which are Sustainability and Art…

A meeting of two relevant and engaging topics, this November Hotel Designs will position both Sustainability and Art under the editorial spotlight in order to continue defining the point on international hotel design.
In lockdown, global daily emissions of CO2 fell by 17 per cent. And yet during this time, sustainability was temporarily removed off the agenda in order to make room for people to focus on cleanliness and hygiene. Next month, Hotel Designs will reach out to its Recommended Suppliers and key designers, architects, hoteliers and developers in an attempt to balance the scales. This follows editor Hamish Kilburn speaking to the eco warrior himself Bill Bensley at about eco solutions for tomorrow’s hospitality world.
In addition, following our catch up with Elegant Clutter about the power of art, Hotel Designs will investigate how art, which is not always restrained inside a frame, can effectively add personality in all areas of the hotel.
If you wish to find out more about Recommended Supplier packages, or know of a product that we should be talking about, please email Katy Phillips.
Main image credit: Villa Copenhagen