The Demise of British manufacturing (2)

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    Comments areas generally don’t get a great deal of attention on HotelDesigns. Occasionally a designer will amplify an article but rarely do we get much feedback or comment. The first article was originally an Editorial sent only to subscribers, added here because of a request from ACID to add it to their evidence to a government enquiry into manufacturing and IP rights.ACID and I don’t see totally eye to eye on IP Rights but the article struck a chord not only with them but with other readers. Although the comments are attached to the article I thought it worth adding them as a News item as the criticism is so corruscating. So here they all are:-

    Added: Wednesday, 26 Oct, 2011
    by Jeremy Quantrill
    Dernier & Hamlyn UK

    Great article regarding the demise of British manufacturing.

    As you rightly point out finding youngsters wishing to enrol and learn the skills in the same way that our existing qualified staff is difficult. In my time here we have always reached out to youngsters to encourage them to learn a trade and take forward skills that can be easily be lost. With the continual loss of manufacturing companies in the UK it does become difficult to remain optimistic, however we need to continue to adapt and change in order to survive.

    Also we need to look outwards to people in the trade, those that are responsible for the specification and ask them to support the UK. We are often thought of as being too expensive, however the costs of mass produced products mean British built is an option, and often is a far better quality product.

    Hope that you are all well.

    Added: Wednesday, 26 Oct, 2011
    by P J Statham


    I am now on the Management Guild Mark Committee of the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers and we are trying hard to revamp the award, to turn it into almost a “royal warrant” for British furniture makers…then we need help to get that through to UK specifiers as a standard required…should help to overcome the foreign makers and publicise British-made items.

    I will keep you informed as to progress…next meeting on 13 December, with a view to having something worth presenting by early spring. Rodney McMahon has been helpful in the process…I just push it onwards and it seems to be working. Both WCFM and MGM needed to be made relevant for 21st Century…

    Royal Doulton…my now-deceased uncle was one of their first reps…with a company car! I have an original white jug with a face on it, numbered underneath, but cannot find any way of valuing it, so I hide it!

    Keep up the good work

    Added: Wednesday, 02 Nov, 2011
    by Frank Triggs
    Oswestry, United Kingdom

    On the button Paddy. Im currently having difficulty offering work experience to my local school that was supposed to have “technical status”. Post graduate Spanish students have sought me out because of my combination of craft and technical (cad cam) skills. Here I get the “Oh well I suppose some of our less bright pupils might be interested” which is such a bloody insult to me and an expression of ignorance on the part of teacher . When she flies I hope she does it in an aircraft the was designed and constructed by some one who was not one of the less bright.

    Thanks for the mention.

    Best wishes Frank

    Added: Saturday, 05 Nov, 2011
    by Rodney McMahon
    Emsworth, United Kingdom

    Patrick, as always, very good points.

    I am interested in Jamie Lesinski’s remarks which are financially and intellectually unarguable but reflect the misunderstanding, amongst non manufacturers, that is too prevalent about costs and risks.

    The fact is simply that enterprise in the UK does not flourish because of the relentless press of legislation and the enormous costs, risks and barriers that they place on any kind of activity. This ranges from Health & Safety to Employment to generalised insurance requirements and on and on.

    Bank lending is the least of our problems.

    We are beholden to, and paying for, an idle, incompetent, overpaid and bullying bureaucracy which has no concept of the real world or enthusiasm for achievement but enjoys stopping us from generating proper jobs.

    Until the wider community, not just politicians and bankers, grasp these facts little will change.

    All best wishes

    Editors Note: Governments borrow more than they get in taxes. They spend it on social programmes. Results are clear, as the Greek crisis shows. Asking for politicians to cut spending is like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas, so the markets do it for them.

    Daniel Fountain / 10.11.2011

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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