Holiday Inn Express & Suites Grand Opening

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    On Tuesday (10th May) business leaders, chamber executives, local dignitaries, hotel guests and citizens of Jackson joined Park Place Associates, LLC to celebrate the Grand Opening of the brand new Holiday Inn Express & Suites at Parkstone Place on Exit 85 in Jackson, Tenn.”We are excited about this opportunity to showcase our hotel to the public,” said General Manager Samuel Ward. “The hotel is doing really well in the area and we want to thank the community for its support.”

    County Mayor Jimmy Harris and City Mayor Jerry Gist were among the distinguished guests at the event, both speaking during the ribbon cutting ceremony about the economic impact the hotel has had on the area.

    “Development in Jackson is booming and the Holiday Inn is in a prime location for both business and leisure travelers visiting our city,” said Gist. “It is conveniently located right by the West Tennessee Healthcare Sportsplex and by the minor league baseball team, Jackson Generals.”

    Kemmons Wilson, Inc. Vice President McLean T. Wilson and Gary Taylor, President of Gary Taylor Investments, welcomed more than 200 guests to the grand opening and invited attendees to participate in VIP tours of the 92-room facility. Guests enjoyed refreshments and hors d’oeuvres while listening to Jazz music on the patio. Guests also received luggage tags and other favors for attending.

    Park Place Associates, LLC owns and Wilson Hotel Management proudly manages the Holiday Inn Express & Suites. Gary A. Taylor (GAT) Investment Company, which is the developer of the site, has worked closely with the Wilson Hotel Management to get this project underway.

    Daniel Fountain / 15.05.2011

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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