Gold is discovered in Cape Town

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    Gold and diamonds were the making of modern South Africa. The large hole in Kimberley is now a tourist attraction, but Gold can now be found in Cape Town as well as the Rand.

    In Bennett Street to be exact.

    Next to the bus station…
    Gold is a designed eating experience building on the culture of Africa. It uses not just South African but the decorative arts of the continent, its languages and traditions. All form part of a ‘foodie’ experience, a totally designed eating experience that satisfies all the senses.

    Set in a converted warehouse near to the Victoria and Albert Waterfront, Gold has turned a fishmeal store into a venue for music, dance and great eating. The design has focussed on bringing African artefacts and style into the creation of a set of quite intimate interior spaces in which diners can enjoy a set menu ‘taste of Africa’ with food selected and skilfully cooked originating in the diverse mix of native and Cape Malay described as an ‘African taste Safari’.

    Eating at Gold is a designed experience. Best to arrive at or before 18.30 hrs when the community drumming commences. Welcomed with a glass of sparkling South African wine, guests join in a conducted drum fest, being coached and teased into performing as an African drum djembe band accompaniment to the resident performer, Binos.

    With wry humour the assorted tourist are gently coached into a routine, which to their surprise works well, finishing with a dramatic and accomplished solo performance by their drum guru.

    Daniel Fountain / 11.05.2014

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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