Crystal Caviar Company: Artwork Chandelier in a Floating 7star Hotel

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    Super yachts are considered to be by some the 7* star sailing hotels of the sea. The possibility to sail away from the coast and still enjoy the luxury that comes from staying within a top hotel is hugely attractive to this lucrative market. Crystal Caviar´s Yacht division has, within the last year, finished an installation of chandeliers and staircase artwork onboard one of the super yachts, the TALISMAN C.

    Generally it is thought that chandeliers do not yield to the yacht market. People think they are fragile, not seaworthy and will not withstand salty environments and vibrations. Since the structure of chandeliers is completely different and difficult to ordinary pendant lighting, they require sophisticated engineering in order to protect the fragile crystal parts. However, with some modifications they can be converted to suit the yacht market and create an impressive design statement.

    Crystal Caviar are specialised in custom lighting within moving objects such as yachts, aircrafts and trains and they relished the opportunity to create a chandelier for the Talisman C. Developed over a number of years, Crystal Caviar‘s specialist knowledge has been applied to fittings used in hotels in earthquake zones and sea coast areas with high corrosive environment. Crystal Caviar‘s know-how comes from centuries of proven technology and tradition of Bohemian crystal production.

    How do you design and build a chandelier for a yacht?

    The owner or designer usually has a certain concept of lighting. They know roughly the size and the style of the chandelier required, whether that is classical, art deco, flower theme, Mother Nature theme, contemporary or ultramodern. The chandelier usually complements the style of the whole space, the colours and textures on other surfaces and the atmosphere.

    The chandelier on board the Talisman C was done in corporation with H2 Yacht Design. It is a beautiful 8m glass sculpture installed in the stairwell. It consists of hundreds of crystal, amber and silver glass bubbles ‘floating’ in the air, resembling the bubbles rising from the seabed. The most difficult part was the sky window above the sculpture, so the whole sculpture had to be fixed in between floors without a central hanging point. We used fibre optics mixed with conventional lighting to produce this stunning result.

    Daniel Fountain / 08.12.2011

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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