Chelsom designs unique computer light

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    Chelsom has designed a unique light for lap top use, the SLIM desk lamp, after a hotel group voiced the need to a specific light for portable computers.Chelsom understands that creating the most welcoming ambience largely depends on good lighting and so they worked with Hilton to give the right light levels to the new lap top design.

    The creation of Chelsom’s new SLIM desk lamp began with the client’s ask for help and went from concept sketches to engineering designs. It then came in-house and prototypes were manufactured before the iconic desk lamp was released to the hotel industry.

    The lamps can now be found in the Hilton The Hague and there are plans to use it in further hotels around the world.

    Daniel Fountain / 01.06.2010

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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