See inside the Cambridge Hotel set for a £2.5m extension

    1024 768 Toby Cruse
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    A boutique Cambridgeshire hotel is set for a stunning £2.5m extension after planning permission was granted.

    The grand Felix Hotel in Cambridge is set for 16 new bedrooms and a glass reception area which was likened to the world-famous Barcelona Pavilion by planners.

    Taking a methodical and rational approach to the planning, the main objective is to improve the guest experience at Felix Hotel.

    One of the rooms you can currently stay at in the Hotel Felix

    A new reception area will greatly improve accessibility and has been designed to incorporate bespoke commercial furniture, designed by OSA.

    It was essential that the update’s contemporary design complemented the Victorian style of the original 1852 building, which had been the house of a botanist.

    This horticultural legacy has been respected by Felix Hotel since the acquisition of the building in 2001, including maintaining the site’s green-belt status.

    The project was designed by OSA Director Armine Sutton.

    Armine, explained: “We are extremely pleased that this innovative project has been given the green light. We are confident that this exciting project will more than live up to expectation.”

    She added: “The glass for the reception adds a contrasting contemporary element whilst endeavouring to respect the original structure.  The idea was for the area to be eye-catching and draw the attention of visitors. It is a bold design and for planners to liken its minimalism to one the world’s most iconic and inspirational buildings is very flattering.”

    Jeremy Cassel, Managing Director at Cassel Hotels Ltd, said: “OSA did a tremendous job with their plans for Felix Hotel and I am delighted that their vision has been approved. The update is going to be a very exciting process which will transform the guest experience for our customers.”

    Building works on Felix Hotel are expected to begin in early 2019.

    The bathroom of the Penthouse Suite

    OSA is a multi-disciplinary practice providing bespoke solutions for a range of private and business clients across the UK.

    Clients include Kwik Fit and Majestic Wine. The firm prides itself on its holistic approach when designing a new space and frequently integrates bespoke commercial furniture design into its client-oriented services.

    Toby Cruse / 19.03.2018


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