Roomzzz to invest further £3m into Newcastle

    150 150 Daniel Fountain
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    Roomzzz Aparthotel have announced they are investing a further £3M into Newcastle and expanding their existing site in the heritage district of Clavering Place to meet with customer demand. Expansion will take form as a further 60 new build suites which will incorporate the original Georgian townhouse, Friar House.
    Mark Walton Head of Roomzzz Aparthotel comments ‘Roomzzz Aparthotel has given Clavering Place a remarkable new lease of life – it is a beautiful area and we are proud to be a successful influence in the City’s regeneration, our Aparthotel has attracted a new footfall into the City and has certainly created a lot of awareness for the area and the City as a whole.’

    Roomzzz have been delighted with the response to their fifth location – which was the brand’s first property in the North East. Walton remarks ‘we are experiencing not only a very high level of repeat business, but we are finding that our guests would not usually stay in Newcastle – but as fans of the Roomzzz brand they are willing to make the effort to journey to the City for our incentives as well as our quality of accommodation for both business and leisure stays. We are exceedingly pleased with the level of loyalty our brand commands and we would like to think that the famed North East hospitality has played an important part in endearing our customers to the City.’

    Friar House was one of Newcastle’s most historic and celebrated City heirloom residences which Roomzzz nurtured and brought to life back from years of neglect to be one of the North’s most exciting, luxurious yet affordable new hotel experiences which was applauded by the Times and features as a top recommendation in their ‘Cool Hotel Guide’.

    Phase 1 saw 12 months and £5M invested on an extensive restoration of Friar House which opened late 2012. Roomzzz presented a majestic detached Georgian townhouse as the latest hotel in their portfolio.

    Friar House once belonged to a 19th Century ‘celebrity socialite’ Sir Robert Hopper Williamson who as Recorder of Newcastle and chancellor of Durham was considered amongst the elite of the North East and one of the most important men in the area. The restoration of the property and history of the scheme attracted and brought both Regional and National media interest onto the City.

    Phase 2 is to start early autumn 2013. Walton comments ‘our further investment into Newcastle illustrates our commitment to provide quality across the board for both the City and our guests – phase 2 will allow us to attract more visitors to the City and to meet with demand that our current customers are putting on us to provide more high quality affordable accommodation in the City.

    Daniel Fountain / 24.09.2013

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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