A message from Tony Attard OBE, FRSA; Group Chief Executive of Panaz Limited
One of the most exciting global challenges for a yachtsman to dream about is to sail the Atlantic. For many years sailors have been inspired by the around the world expeditions of Joshua Slocum, Chay Blyth, Sir Robin Knox Johnston, Sir Francis Chichester, Dame Ellen Macarthur and Dee Cathry. The personal achievements by such determined characters live on in history long after the voyage is over.Although crossing the Atlantic seems a small step by comparison to the achievements of these great adventurers, for me it will be an enormous challenge as my previous experience has been limited to crossing the Channel!
I will be sailing in November, and although none of us have sailed the Atlantic previously and this will be our longest trip at sea, the team are experienced sailors. However I am the novice and so a great deal of training and study will be required by me within the next few weeks to ensure I reach the levels of knowledge and sailing skill required.
I am taking the opportunity while crossing the Atlantic to raise money and indeed awareness for our UK industry specific Charity the Furnishing Industry Trust, known as FIT.
Our Charity FIT was established over 100 years ago to support people in the UK who have been employed in our Furnishings Industry with practical help. We give weekly grants to help with ongoing financial hardship, and one off payments for respite breaks and holidays, mobility aids, (for example wheelchairs) for people suffering critical illness. FIT is also developing grants to provide students with University bursaries to cover some of the costs of furnishing industry related courses. My Ambitions are to cross the Atlantic and raise £10,000 for FIT, and I hope that you can help. Every donation, large or small will enable FIT to give grants and payments to some of the most deserving and needy people in the UK.
Please give generously and help me raise £10,000 look me up on the website http://www.justgiving.com/tony-attard
Many thanks and best regards,
Tony Attard