Calling all designers, architects, hoteliers and developers: you can secure your complimentary seats in the audience for Hotel Designs LIVE, which takes place on October 13, by clicking here…

With just a few weeks to go until Hotel Designs LIVE on October 13, new speakers have been announced for the one-day virtual conference.
Click here to read the agenda for Hotel Designs LIVE. | Click here to participate in Hotel Designs LIVE.
Hotel Designs LIVE, sponsored by headline partner Technological Innovations Group, was born out of the idea to keep the industry connected and the conversation flowing during the lockdown period following the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus. However, considering the noise the virtual conference created, the team at Hotel Designs have decided to return with part two. “The aim of this event on October 13 is to look beyond today’s pandemic in order to find real solutions for designers, hoteliers, architects and developers,” explains editor Hamish Kilburn who will host the virtual event. “To do this meaningfully, we have invited industry experts from around the world to sit on our virtual sofa.”
Confirmed speakers include:
- Bill Bensley, Founder of BENSLEY
- Erik Nissen Johansen, Founder of Stylt
- Erica Pritchard, Associate at HBA London
- Eric Jafari, Chief Development Officer at Locke
- Constantina Tsoutsikou, founder of Studio LOST
- Sara Gardiner, co-founder of Matetsi Victoria Falls
- Karolin Troubetzkoy, Executive Director of Anse Chasanet & Jade Mountain
- Ari Peralta, CEO of Arigami
- Fiona Thompson, Principal at Richmond International
- Therese Virserius, Founder of Virserius Studio
- Olivier Delaunoy, Technology Director at SymbiOT
In addition to the live interviews and panel discussions with handpicked industry experts – and to ensure that the event is bridging the gap between hospitality suppliers and designers, architects, hoteliers and developers – the conference also included structured ‘PRODUCT WATCH’ pitches around each session, allowing suppliers the opportunity to pitch their products and services in a ‘live’ environment to the hospitality buyers that are tuned in.
If you are a designer, architect, hotelier or developer and would like to secure your complimentary seats in the audience, click here.
If you are a supplier to the hotel design industry and would like to promote your latest product or services to the Hotel Designs LIVE audience, please contact Katy Phillips via email or call +44 (0)1992 374050.