IHS 2017 Live: The ‘Perfect Hotel Bedroom’

    Perfect hotel bedroom - IHS 2017
    997 709 Daniel Fountain
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    What makes the ‘perfect hotel bedroom’? New for this year’s show – the Independent Hotel Show is trying to determine exactly that.

    Having commissioned a survey of consumers to find out their preferences and tastes, they assigned the design of the perfect hotel bedroom, which is to be presented by Chic Retreats.

    Questions in the survey revolved around the design of the room, bedding, lighting, technology and many other factors.

    The results formed the basis of a report which dictated the design of the room – being carried out by Harriet Forde Design Studio – and can be seen in person at this year’s show.

    Some of Hotel Designs’ clients that contributed and supplied to the project include Hypnos Beds, Vaughan, Chelsom and Hamilton Litestat.

    Daniel Fountain / 17.10.2017

    Editor, Hotel Designs


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